07 June 2011

True Story about Sew Stories

I don't need many words. This is a true story about Sew Stories.  Not through the pictures, either from the words of people. The story is really there in  a plain sight. A beautiful story with the harmony of colours. A beautiful match. And the thread that ties  and attached firmly.

The packaging

Can use it as a clutch!

The Details (mix and match between batik and imported fabric)

Similar but not the same (especially for the amount of IDR 50,000).
Left: my picture
Right: her picture!

Who is she?
Sew Stories is an Imelda's stories.

A story about  something that she weely loves to do which could save her from being insane :). Right, Imel?

"Have a fun sewing day. And for me, have a fun ordering day" hahahaha...



  1. makasih byk ya Laa....maafkan kalo lama, dan masih byk kekurangan di sana sini :(
    makasih bgt lilaa udah mo mencoba memesan di sewstories :*

  2. makasih jg udah mau repot2 berfoto2 bener2 mulai dr belum dibuka sampe dipake...
    kalo aku terima paket langsung hajar was wes woshhh ::))

  3. eh udah dicomment aja.... seni menerima a craft adalah membukanya dan deg2an ngeliat isinya... ini baru diedit lagi nihh

  4. hahahaha...i woof youuuu...udah nambah lagi potonaaa :D *woof from max utk lila, abu, baby di perut dan cokiii * heuheuehuehu

  5. Sue - Jojo FabricJune 7, 2011 at 9:56 PM

    Ahhhhh....bagus banget tulisannya lila...foto-nya juga bagus. Pas skali menggambarkan dompet buatan Imel. Triple jempol buat dua2nya =D

  6. Imeeel!! Besok giliranku yap! Can't wait for awal Juli, mau mesen sama Imel! Huks... rasanya kok masih lama..:(

  7. I like it so much.. kalian berdua memang orang2 kreatif ^^

  8. Imel... wah siap2 banyak pesenan lagi.. hihihihi...

    Sue dan Siska: kalo gak ada kalian, kita juga susah mau kreatif. Kainnya Jojo bagus2... stickernya Circus juga ngegemesin. Good taste to sell!

  9. Sue - Jojo FabricJune 8, 2011 at 9:39 PM

    Bentar lagi imel bilang gini di wall-nya "sorry ya semua...untuk sementara tidak terima order baru sampai bulan desember..." haha

    Thank you lila.
